Monday, October 7, 2013

Exercise Affects Genetics
Published in the October 2013 issue of IDEA Fitness Journal

            Epigenetics- the study of changes in gene expression- has become a buzzword of late.  Epigenetics experts suggest that environmental factors might have the power to overcome inherited traits, like a predisposition for type 2 diabetes.  New research offers more support for exercise as one environmental factor that can alter gene expression.
The study, published in PLOS Genetics (2013; 9 [6], 1-16 (e1003572), looked at changes in methyl groups in the fat cells of 23 inactive men.  DNA methylation is typically associated with gene repression.  One of the study's focuses was to learn how 6 months of regular exercise- one indoor cycling session and two "aerobics" sessions per week- would affect DNA methylation among the men.  
Throughout the study, the men participated, on average, in 1.8 sessions per week, which resulted in DNA methylation in about one-third of each subject's genetic makeup.  Genes associated with type 2 diabetes and obesity were among those favorably affected.  
"In summary, this study provides a detailed map of the human methylome in adipose tissue, which can be used as a reference for further studies," the authors explained.  "We have also found evidence for an association between differential DNA methylation and mRNA expression in response to exercise, as well as a connection to genes known to be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Your Journey Phase III – HAVE A PLAN!!



  We are now on to the third step on our way to success with being able to achieve our goals. We have step 1; our goals, Step 2; getting your mind right, and now on to “The Plan”. I am not going to beat a dead horse on this one but if there is one thing that the military taught me throughout the years that I served, that I can transfer over and try to help instill back into my community, it’s have a plan and stick to it. This part of the journey can be the one part that many people can find a plethora of different excuses for what they are doing or what they are not doing. It very easily boils down to ego, lack of knowledge, laziness, and mindset, these four entities set us back in progress and destroy what may start out to be great plans. I will break these items down individually, not to sit on my soap box and smash on what is happening in fitness facilities all over the US, but just to shed some light on common occurrences happening day to day as to why people may be on the struggle bus as far as trying to achieve their goals (Health and fitness related).

EGO -- Get rid of it! Lifting heavy, just to lift heavy is not impressing anyone. If you can handle the weight and make full range of motion with proper technique and form then HULK on, but if you have a spotter pulling as hard as they can while your attempting some variation of a back bridge under maximal strain, just to get up to check the mirror to see if that poor attempt of a lift made your muscles bigger, you are wrong!       ---- Good form, Good technique, appropriate amount of weight = success.

LACK OF KNOWLEDGE – This most likely is not your fault, quality information about what you should actually be doing is somewhat hard to find. Health related concerns should be directed to professionals like doctors and personal trainers. Overall fitness and performance goals should be directed to someone that is qualified to answer these questions, this means if you are thirty years old don’t assume the big guy that is 20 years old over on the bench press knows how to get those arms pumped up again, a lot has changed in your body over the years and its possible to get there but you need your own program and diet. Basically my best advice here is find a person that has accomplished the thing that you are trying to get done and ask for help, they can either answer your questions or direct you to someone who can. Try not to turn to magazines and supplement websites because although some have quality information, most of them are more concerned with marketing and the “beautiful” people plastered all over that are half naked with the air brushed highlights are getting paid to “look good” not working a 9-5 at Nestle.  ----- Quality information from credible sources!!!

LAZINESS – We’ve all had our days, and I’m only going to give you one little line here; TODAY, NOT TOMORROW. You want results, you earn them.


On to “THE PLAN” It takes 21 days to create a new routine, this means that you must wake up and go run 21 days in a row before you start to have the “I am ready to run when I wake up” feeling. When planning for down the road you must make a realistic plan for yourself as to what you are going to be doing with your time throughout the week. This plan does not have to be down to the minute by any means but it must be specific enough so you can see what your day will be and what your week will look like. This is very important the more specific your goals are because you should be able to track your progress. It will also prove to be useful in the instance where you’ve been grinding it out for 5 weeks and have seen no results, this is where you would bring in what you’ve been doing to... for instance . . . . ME (personal trainer) or any personal trainer and we will be able to see what you’ve done (or haven’t done) and can assist you with the changes that need to be made. To put this simply without traipsing through all the ways to make a plan and lay out a schedule I will end it with this;

1.)    Get your information from CREDIBLE sources.

2.)    Set up a WEEKLY FITNESS PLAN for yourself with DAILY routines.   

3.)    Stick to it religiously……STICK TO IT…..STICK TO IT …….STICK TO IT….

4.)    Don’t be lazy!!!! (YOU KNOW WHEN YOU ARE!!!)

5.)    Hold yourself accountable.

6.)    GET AFTER IT !!!
7.) Dont be afraid to ask for HELP!!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Journey . . . . . . you will be challenged. -By Brett Waltert-


  Yes, my exercise storm troopers, the road to success is long, bumpy, and full of road blocks … … … but you will press on! You will keep taking that next step toward your goal and by doing so you will succeed. This is true because, as you keep traveling down that road, eventually your feet will harden, your lungs will no longer burn, and you will kick down the road blocks and face the obstacles ahead of you one by one, because you are determined!!  

  Last week I talked about goals, this week our target is mindset. This part of your transformation is potentially going to make or break you because it is non-tangible, this means that you cannot see what you are trying to accomplish. A lot of people out there spend all of their time worrying about what they see in the mirror, what numbers are on the scale, and what the quickest way to reach their goal is (AKA-shortcuts).  The problem with this lies in a lot of unsuccessful attempts to accomplish any athletic goal or fitness goal followed by a relapse into a darker place because of the failed attempt. There are Lots and lots of goals out there people, Weight loss, weight gain, bigger arms, smaller butt, run a marathon, walk one mile, get off blood pressure medication, pre diabetic. The list is endless with a load of short term goals leading up to the long term goal.


Now phase 2;
  The journey… … …  Accept the fact that life does not grant wishes and magical health fairies don’t come visit you while you sleep to burn the donut off that you just had to have for breakfast, nor does just thinking about grinding through a soul searching cardio workout increase your lung capacity and metabolic efficiency. You must put the work in yourself and you must prepare your mind to get it done!! So here we go, understand that HARD TIMES DON’T LAST, HARD PEOPLE DO. We have all heard the coach say GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME and now it is your time to follow through with it. Get out that goal you have from last week, or, stop screwing around and get your goal written down, and find some place to look at yourself in the mirror. Once you are planted firmly in place and are giving yourself “the stare down of doom”   you need to unleash the Beast within you and get up in your own face a little bit and let yourself know that during your journey down the road you are going to hurt, sweat, puke, want to quit (but won’t), possibly get a little banged up, bleed, cry, get angry, spit in the drinking fountain even though the sign says not to, yell, stink, not shower before work because your trainer was going to be gone, lift something the wrong way, lift something the right way,  and finally, lay on the floor completely exhausted because you just got one step closer to reaching your goal and are looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. So there it is, you brain must be ready to take on the challenges that are on the road in front of you. This may sound crazy, but I’ve seen so many non-runners go through an 8 week program kicking and screaming, just find out in the end that they now want to spend the summer and weekends doing 5k’s and obstacle courses, it is truly a transformation. WEEK 1 & 2; GOAL and now MINDSET, get after it and do some soul searching to find those mental limits for yourself and break through them, because “The only people who know where the edge is are the ones that have been over it.”(- Hunter S. Thompson-)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Hello my name is get off the couch, I'd like you to meet Mr. Brett Waltert

Good afternoon The W community,

  My name is Brett Waltert, I have been a personal trainer here at the facility for a little over a year now and I will be taking over the W’s blog for the next 8 weeks. The first thing I want to cover before we get started is how important your GOAL’s are. There are some questions that I would like you to ask yourself tonight, first ask yourself what your GOAL is . . . . ? . . . So now you either have an answer or you have now realized your first issue with what you are trying to get accomplished here at The W.

  Your goal can be as simple as “I want to be social and do something healthy for me”, The W is a great place to find friends that love to be active and enjoy working out. Your goal can also be very specific, like “I want to lose 6.5lbs of body fat by the end of this month”.  So. . . to keep things simple for this first post these are the questions that you NEED to ask yourself;

1.)    What is my goal?

2.)    If I Don’t have one, what am I trying to accomplish?

3.)    Do I need to make a change?

4.)    How am I going to make a change?

5.)    Have I been putting off making a change?

  These questions will help you get on your way to a healthier happier lifestyle and they are important for you to know. You must have a goal of where you want to be before you can make a plan, and you must have a plan to get you to your goal. I , as well as a few other trainers here at The W are here to help you get on your way or even get back on your way to that healthy life, please never be afraid to ask us for help. I will be posting nutrition, motivation, workout ideas, and many more items over the next 8 weeks to help facilitate your transformation into a new healthy you!     

Monday, May 27, 2013

Class Spotlight: Kickboxing

First off, we at The W hope that everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend.  We have one final class spotlight for the month of May, and it's an exciting one...kickboxing!

Kickboxing is one of the more fun ways to be in a class, without it really feeling like a class.  By stepping away from the standard cardio and strength exercises (running, pushups, weights, etc.), kickboxing uses your body to workout in ways you haven't done before.

At The W, the class starts with some light jogging, stretching, and calisthenics, and launches you into a high-energy, cardio class.  The class is varied but is influenced on workouts that real kickboxers do by building cardio and learning proper technique. And of course, you get to use the kickboxing bags!  Check out the video to see the class in action:

Summer Class Options:
  • 7:00 PM-7:50 PM
To sign up for this or any of our classes, contact the front desk at 319-352-8311!  And remember to keep up on our blog by checking the Facebook page or by subscribing by putting your email in the top right box of the blog!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Guest Post: Brandon Hosch

Brandon Hosch
May Term Intern

Observations at the W

You won't find my face on the staff page on The "W" website, but I'm the May Term intern.  I've been the person behind the blog for the whole term and I finally get to stand out and write as myself.

Between filming class everyday and talking with the staff and members, I've come across a bunch of observations.  I've compiled a list of things that you should know.
  • Members, try to understand that your paid membership goes a lot farther than you think!  A pass doesn't just grant you access to all the facilities, but a discount price for classes as well.
  • It may seem a little scary going into a group class, but the group and social aspect is what makes it so great!  Working through the pain is better with company. Social interaction is actually a strong reason why people keep signing up for classes.
  • Parents, saying that you need to watch your little ones doesn't count as an excuse to not go to a class.  The W staff has excellent child care, and the first hour is free for members (usually the same time as your class!)
  • Men, out of all the classes I've been to, the majority (if not all) of the classes were just women.  I'm not sure where you're at, but your wives have been making the effort to get into shape. There is no reason you can't do the same.
  • You can do any class, regardless of fitness!  The instructors are great at offering modifications.  As I've heard two instructors say already, "You can't prepare for a class unless you know what they are doing, so you might as well come." and "Come in and do it for YOU, no one else!" 
All the doubts and reasoning that you may have not to come to The W can be overcome with a little willpower and a strong support system.  You can make the transition to live a healthier life, and using the fitness facility in your back yard is the best place to start.

If your interested in signing up for a class, check through all of the posts from May and then call in to the Front Desk at 319-352-8311.

Thank you everyone, have a great summer!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Class Spotlight: Pilates

Pilates and yoga are usually understood as being very similar workouts.  And yes this holds some truth, but Pilates is focused on the workout itself as opposed to the spiritual-ness found in yoga.

Pilates has an interesting history. Starting out as contrology by Joseph Pilates, his techniques and exercises were made to target specific muscles and body parts.  It also teaches body awareness, or knowing what muscles work with specific stretches.  Finally, Pilates is terrific for building balance by working your core.

Pilates at the W starts off with different yoga poses and stretches.  The class then transitions to more challenging poses and exercises, some using weights.  If there is something in common with all the poses, they all engage the core as members try to maintain their stability.

Yoga mats are used, along with weights and the occasional yoga block.  Like yoga, Pilates is done in a darker environment to promote relaxation.  This class is excellent to wind down the day or week with. Check out the video for an inside look at the class.

Summer Class Options:
  • 4:45 PM-5:35 PM
  • 8:00 PM-8:50 PM
Remember to sign up for classes by contacting the front desk at 319-352-8311.  Also remember to subscribe by using the box on the top right of the page.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Class Spotlight: 60 Minute Cardio

First off, we would like to make the disclaimer that 60 Minute Cardio is NOT your standard cardio class.  60 Minute Cardio is a hybrid class that combines a lot of everything into a power-packed class.  If you are looking for a class to take you to the next level of fitness, 60 Minute Cardio is a great bet.

To start, members get in their own dynamic stretching (ex. walking lunges) before getting to the nitty gritty. The class structure is different everyday.  Some days the class is based on timed exercise with body weight, others are based on repetitions with small weights.  Classes can be held in the field house, outside, or on an obstacle course (for summer classes).

With a vast difference of the day-to-day class structure, the class is sure to engage the use of all of your muscles.  Some days become a little focused on strength training, others will use more cardio. In the video below, the class is doing a variety of body weight exercises.

Keep in mind that this class is challenging regardless of your level of fitness.  It may not be for everyone, but if you have an attitude of a warrior you'll do just fine.
Summer Class Options:
  • 9:00 AM-10:00 AM
If you are interested in joining the class, please contact the front desk at 319-352-8311 for more information!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Class Spotlight: Abs-n-More

Admit it, many of us decided one day that we were going to overhaul our abs and have a great looking 6-pack.  You may have bought a video such as P90X or looked up a routine online, did it in your house by yourself for a week, and then found it was hard to stick to the routine and called it quits.

According to an article found in the LA Times those who workout in group setting have a higher success rate.  So when trying to sculpt your abs, come to the Abs-n-More class at The W!

Abs-n-More is exactly what you ask for, a straight-cut session strictly dedicated to abdominal and core work with a little bit of cardio exercises thrown in for good measure.  The class is 30 minutes, (about half the time of a normal class) and wastes no time getting to the good stuff.

But just don't come to the class because you think you will come out looking like Shaun T, think again.  DO realize that this class will help in all other aspects of fitness!  Running will become easier, balance will improve, and you'll feel an overall better feeling of fitness.  This class is perfect to pair with another class or workout.  Check it out in the video:
Summer Class Options:

  • 4:45 PM-5:15 PM

  • 6:40 PM-7:10 PM
If you are interested in signing up for the class, contact the front desk at 319-352-8311.  Remember to subscribe to the blog by putting in your email in the box on the right hand side of the page!  We only have this last week of highlighting classes for May, hopefully you've found one to sign up for!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Guest Post: Heather Zajicek

Summer Water Safety

Heather Zajicek
Assistant Director for Aquatics
I am in charge of all the aquatics at The W.  It’s getting to the time of year when families are making plans to fill up their summers!  Swimming is the most popular summer activity and the he best thing you can do to help your family stay safe is to enroll in age-appropriate swim lessons. 

You’re in luck as The W offers several private and public swim lesson options throughout the entire year!  Check them out in our community recreation brochure.

Make Water Safety Your Priority
  • Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
  • Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone.  Even at a public pool or a lifeguard beach, use the buddy system!
  • Ensure that everyone in the family learns to swim well.  Enroll in age-appropriate Red Cross water orientation and Learn-to-Swim courses offered at The W.
  • Never leave young children unattended near water and do not trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always ask permission to go near water.
  • Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone.
  • Establish rules for your family and enforce them without fail.
  • Even if you do not plan on swimming, be cautious around natural bodies of water including ocean shoreline, rivers and lakes.  Cold temperatures, currents and underwater hazards can make a fall into these bodies of water dangerous.
  • If you go boating, wear a life jacket! Most boating fatalities occur from drowning.
Maintain Constant Supervision
  • Actively supervise children whenever around the water-even if lifeguards are present.  Do not just drop your kids off at the public pool or leave them at the beach—designate a responsible adult to supervise.
  • Always stay within arm’s reach of young children and avoid distractions when supervising children around water.
Have a safe summer!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Class Spotlight: Progressive Fitness

Fundamentals are everything may seem like the most cliche phrase coaches love to say.  At The W, we fully agree with your coaches.  Basics are important, and we finally have a class that symbolizes that.

Progressive Training at The W is a class that starts with the most basic of basics (learning proper technique for push ups, sit ups, body weight exercises) and eventually leads to more advanced and challenging lifts and exercises.  The class takes takes it one day at a time, ensuring class members know how to do a simple exercise right, before moving on to a challenging one.

Progressive Training takes an overall approach to fitness.  Instead of focusing on just strength or just balance, Progressive Training touches on all aspects of fitness.  In the class shown in the video, members build up their cardio by cycling and then do strength, balance, and core work with kettlebells and body weight.

With a touch of personalized training and modification offered for all levels of fitness, this class is great for those new to working out and gym class veterans alike.

Summer Class Options:
  • 10:00 AM-11:00 AM
  • 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
This class is new to The W, so check with the Front Desk for summer class availability.  Otherwise pop in during the times above and check it out for yourself.  Don't forget to subscribe to the blog and keep checking us out throughout the week!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Class Spotlight: Forever Fit

To all those who believe in the phrase, "Age is just a number..."cheers to you, because you are determined to defy the expectations of your generation.  In other words, just because you may be coming on in the years, doesn't mean you have to!  Stay active, stay sharp, and show anyone that you "still got it."

Forever Fit at The W is the class that takes that phrase and applies it to your workout.  It doesn't matter where your level of fitness is now, Forever Fit will take you farther than you are.  This class is an overall fitness class, meaning that it works your cardio, balance, core, and strength all in one nice package.

Chair Aerobics, as this class is sometimes called, does the majority of its exercises in a chair or balance ball.  From the chair, members perform a variety of stretches to warm up.  After that members will perform everything from ab work with a balance ball to doing reps with lightweights.

The class is made for anyone at all fitness levels, and our instructors are particular to help you find modifications for the exercises so you get the most out of your workout within your own ability.  Soon you may find yourself going beyond your own limits!

To see the class in action, check out the video below:

Summer Class Options:
  • 10:45 AM-11:30 AM
Remember, that if you are interested in any of these classes above PLEASE SIGN UP!  We would love to have you come in and join.  If interested in signing up for classes, contact our Front Desk at 319-352-8311.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Class Spotlight: Combo Tone

We have another high-energy class to reveal to the public, and we'll let you in on a little secret...this one is FUN.

Combo Tone at the W is a class that balances the cardio exercise with strength training to put your body in great shape while toning it as well.  If cardio is a word that scares you, don't worry.  The cardio part of the class consists of fun and simple dance routines.  The strength portion is different every class section.  Members can be doing body weight exercises one day or lifting stations another day.

The class is wonderful if you are looking to escape a daily workout routine.  Studies show that consistently doing different exercises do more for your body and show better results as opposed to the same routine day in and day out.  Combo Tone is excellent for strengthening different parts of your body and building a strong core. Check out the video below to see the class in action:

Summer Class Options:
  • 5:40 AM-6:30 AM
Also, don't forget to subscribe to the blog by putting your email in the box on the right side of the page!  Keep checking back this week as we will be bringing you information about Forever Fit and Progressive Training.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Guest Post: Dawn Wiegmann

The Truth About Sugar In Our Food

Dawn Wiegmann
Wellness Director
I teach basic nutrition here at Wartburg, and it amazes me every time I teach it how no one really knows how to read labels and no one really gets (or seems to care) about the amount of sugar they consume in a day. 

Would you consider eating 12 cubes of sugar for breakfast?  It sounds disgusting and unhealthy, but if you had two pieces of toast with jam and a few cups of sweet tea, you just matched those 12 cubes. Thinking about that pasta salad and carton of apple juice you’re planning to have at lunch could easily have around 16 cubes of sugar. 

We all learn that “whole” wheat is good for us and we know that whole foods in general are terrific for our health.  We also know that too much salt is bad for us, yet few people seem to think about our daily sugar intake.  Sugar is naturally (and unnaturally) in a lot of our foods. 

To see how many cubes of sugar your food has, go to

In today’s culture of ready and convenience foods, sugar becomes a hidden and unavoidable ingredient in our food.  We often fall into the trap of thinking that low-fat means generally healthier – and yet low fat products such as yogurts, for example, are often much higher in sugar than their full fat cousins. 

Diets high in sugar are certainly contributing to osteoporosis, cancer and heart disease.  We as a society have to start watching the amount of sugar we take in. 

We can’t avoid natural sugar found in fruits/veggies, but we can watch out for the “added” sugar in our foods or our snacks that we pick up.  We must read labels to pick out the whole wheat bread that has the lesser amount of sugar in it or which peanut butter has less sugar. We know soda has sugar, yet no one watches the sugar amount in other foods items that we tend to use daily. 

How to avoid sugar:
  • Beware of fruit juices
  • Check carbohydrates – many labels will tell you how much of the carb content is from sugar (as opposed to starch), others don’t.  However, virtually all the carbs in fruit drinks will be sugar, even when it’s not listed.
  • Whole fruits are one of the highest sugar-containing food groups. The worst culprits are dried, stewed and canned fruit.  Be selective about what you eat.
  • Sauces (Asian, BBQ, hot sauces, salsa, salad dressings, pasta and pizza sauces) all are full of sugars.  Look at labels and pick ones that have less sugar. 
  • Breads such as bagels, muffins, and sandwich bread all contain some sugar – read labels.
  • Learn to pick and choose what “treat” you eat…Chocolate, cakes, pastries, and even the soda we drink all have added sugar.  A king-size Mars Bar has 24 cubes of sugar, the snack size has 10, and your glass of cola might contain around 21 cubes of sugar. 

Be selective and learn about your own person sugar intake.   Be a detective and read the labels on the foods you buy!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Class Spotlight: Yoga Stretch

There are many great things that come out of a yoga class besides yoga pants.  With millions of Americans participating in yoga daily, this isn't just another "exercise trend."

Yoga has been found to have numerous physical and mental benefits.  Physically, yoga has been shown to be a form of treatment for various strains and injuries.  Yoga also helps relieve back pain and arthritis while treating other conditions such as insomnia.  Studies have also started to try to show benefits with the heart and heart-related issues by taking yoga classes.  To keep adding on the list, posture, balance, breathing and flexibility have all shown to improve after taking yoga.

Aside from the long list of physical benefits, yoga helps to release the stress found in everyday life.  Participants who take yoga have said they are more happy and content after taking a class. 

At The W, classes start in a dim room with calming music playing to set the scene.  Instructors then go through various stretches and poses-standing, sitting, and laying down-to help members find tranquility and to stretch tense muscles.  This particular section of yoga is focused on just stretching, but for those looking to build and tone muscle should look into taking Power Yoga.

With its numerous benefits and relaxing atmosphere, it's hard to find a reason not to take yoga.  Check out the summer class schedule below and if your interested, sign up at the Welcome Desk or call 319-352-8311.

Summer Class Schedule
  • 5:45 PM-6:35 PM
  • 8:00 AM-8:50 AM
  • 3:30 PM-4:20 PM
  • 12:05 PM-12:55 PM (Power Yoga)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Class Spotlight: TRX Fit Fusion

Sometimes people just need to get a good butt kicking. Now before you agree with us and decide to take it out on someone who has it coming, keep your leg where it is because we're talking about kicking your butt.

TRX Fit Fusion is an intense strength and cardio workout that uses kettle bells and suspension training to burn a lot of fat, and tone a lot of muscle.  Participants get right down to the nitty gritty by having a routine with body weight exercises, such as squats and push ups, and kettle bells.  After completing a set, participants spend a little time around the track to cool down and come back to hit it again.  Check out the video below to get a better idea:

What makes TRX Fit Fusion a great class is (like many of our other classes) we offer modification to accompany all levels of fitness.  The science behind the suspension training relies on the angle of the straps.  The closer members are to the tower, the heavier the weight.  The farther away, the lighter the weight.

Remeber that this class is a strengh and cardio class, so all body parts will be touched on for strength training. This class also builds stability and works the core as participants balance themselves on the suspension system.

Summer Class Options
5-Week Session: June 4-July 9
  • Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30 AM- 6:15 AM
5-Week Session: July 16-August 15
  • Tuesday/Thursday, 5:30 AM- 6:15 AM
Class registration is going on now, register by contacting the Welcome Desk at 319-352-8311.

Would this be a class worth trying for you?  Or if you already took it, what are your thoughts about it? Write in the comments section below.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Class Spotlight: Body Toning

Body Toning should stand out for a number of good reasons:
  1. It's the first strength-based class to be in the spotlight.
  2. It's a little more high-paced, higher intensity than some other classes.
  3. The class also builds flexibility, something that is not found in your everyday strength class.
Toning classes are strength classes designed to make you a stronger person, without building the bulk.  This strength class burns fat (especially around the core) and builds lean muscle in the upper and lower body.

Body Toning at The W does its best to hit all of the major muscle areas in a standard weight and strength class while offering a little more.  The class starts off with dynamic stretching and switches over to body weight exercises and calisthenics.  After the warm up, the class offers exercises to not only tone muscles, but to work the core and build flexibility and stability.  This is done by using dumbbells and yoga balls.  Finally, the class comes to an end with stretching and yoga, continuing to promote flexibility and stability in your workout.  To see the class, check out the video:

Like many of our other classes, Body Toning works well with all fitness levels by offering modifications to many of the exercises to increase or decrease difficulty.  It also compliments other classes by giving the strength training that you may not find in a cycling class.

Summer Class Options:
  • 9:00 AM-9:50AM
  • 12:05 PM-12:45 PM
  • 6:00 AM-6:50 AM

Complimenting classes are a great way to get in a wide range of workouts, what classes do you pair up to get the best workout? 

Tell us in the comments section, and be sure to add your email to our subscription list on the right side of the page!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Guest Post: Eric Knoblock


The 2013 TriByKnight triathlon will be on tomorrow, May 4th at 9am.  This is the second year that Wartburg and The W have hosted this event, and it has grown in so many ways since last year!

First we have several new sponsors. Scheels is our title sponsor and is donating $750 in gift cards for overall winners. The Fainting Goat is providing a meal and a drink for all participants. And we thank the numerous mile marker sponsors that made this event possible.

Aside from sponsors, our course has taken on several changes.  The swim portion will now take a sharp left hand turn by the spa and swim to the steps in the slide area to get out. This will help to simulate outdoor swim by having to navigate and turn laterally during the event. The bike route has been increased to 15 miles with the direction reversed so bikers go with the direction of traffic. For the running portion we have modified the run to make it less confusing at the end. The final lap now will go in the same direction and will finish at the 50-yard line on the track.

This is my 4th year as a race director and my 11th year participating in triathlons. I really enjoy helping people getting into the sport of triathlons. The appeal of a triathlon is it is totally individual and you only get out of it what you put in it. The part I enjoy the most is the socializing with other participants and fulfillment of finishing.

The TriByKnight is great for Waverly and surrounding communities because it brings numerous people to town that otherwise might not come. We have 98 people signed up right now and only 27 are from Waverly. They will be staying in our hotels and eating in our restaurants and then telling the rest of the world how great Waverly is.

So come check it out. See you there.