Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Guest Post: Brandon Hosch

Brandon Hosch
May Term Intern

Observations at the W

You won't find my face on the staff page on The "W" website, but I'm the May Term intern.  I've been the person behind the blog for the whole term and I finally get to stand out and write as myself.

Between filming class everyday and talking with the staff and members, I've come across a bunch of observations.  I've compiled a list of things that you should know.
  • Members, try to understand that your paid membership goes a lot farther than you think!  A pass doesn't just grant you access to all the facilities, but a discount price for classes as well.
  • It may seem a little scary going into a group class, but the group and social aspect is what makes it so great!  Working through the pain is better with company. Social interaction is actually a strong reason why people keep signing up for classes.
  • Parents, saying that you need to watch your little ones doesn't count as an excuse to not go to a class.  The W staff has excellent child care, and the first hour is free for members (usually the same time as your class!)
  • Men, out of all the classes I've been to, the majority (if not all) of the classes were just women.  I'm not sure where you're at, but your wives have been making the effort to get into shape. There is no reason you can't do the same.
  • You can do any class, regardless of fitness!  The instructors are great at offering modifications.  As I've heard two instructors say already, "You can't prepare for a class unless you know what they are doing, so you might as well come." and "Come in and do it for YOU, no one else!" 
All the doubts and reasoning that you may have not to come to The W can be overcome with a little willpower and a strong support system.  You can make the transition to live a healthier life, and using the fitness facility in your back yard is the best place to start.

If your interested in signing up for a class, check through all of the posts from May and then call in to the Front Desk at 319-352-8311.

Thank you everyone, have a great summer!

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